Saturday 11 January 2014

Best steps to do puppy training

Got a cute little Autism Spectrum Disorder but can’t make it behave? Or the cute little guy doesn’t looks that cuter once he is done destroying your pillow? Here is good news. Puppies are like human babies, they can easily learn what we teach them all you need to know is the rite method to do so. When you decide to bring in the puppy for the first time you need to prepare for it before hand. It is going to need a comfortable place to lean on such as puppy bed or a crate, food and water bowl, collar and ofcource toys. It is also important that you are ready to take responsibility of him like a mature person. Keep in mind that it is not an easy process to house train a puppy and he is not going to be fully trained until he is 6 months old so you will need a lot of patience before you get to see positive results of your efforts. Some of the basics things you will need to train your puppy about are given below:
Know your puppy: Once again puppies are like human babies you need to learn what they do and why they do it for example most puppies circle around when they have to potty or wiggle there tail when they are hungry. You need to learn exactly why he does what he does.
Puppy Potty training: This is the most important of all to teach your puppy to poop and pie in the right place or your whole house might end up stinking. It’s hard to potty train a puppy then an adult dog as they haven’t developed control of their bladder yet. Confiment is the best way to train him. Chose a place and take him there frequently and ask him to void and praise him if he does so in the correct place.
Train him not to bit:Self-Advocacy Program love to use their newly grown white shiny teeth but ofcource you can’t let that happen. Puppies can be trained not to bit in first four months of their age. What you need to do is let them socialize with others of their kind. This is the only way to train a puppy not to bite. Once he starts playing with other puppies he will inhibit his biting habits. Hitting, kicking and slapping him will only kill your trust in his eyes.
Obedience training: It is a long process to teach a puppy to follow your commands but the most helpful way is to reward while training. If your puppy sits when you say ‘sit’ always praise him for following your command and never ever take his good behavior for grunted.
Train your puppy to stop howling and crying: Getting up in the middle of the night because of a howling puppy is obviously irritating for everyone but what you don’t know is that it’s perfectly normal for a puppy to get depressed when left alone. What you need to do is put him in his crate and don’t go running once he start crying or howling, give him some time to get accustomed to being left alone. If he continues go to him let him know you are there and then leave after some time if he starts howling as soon as you turn to leave tell him ‘no’ and then praise him for minute or two if he obeys your command.

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